IHP Training Course in Kyoto

at WRRC, DPRI, Kyoto Univ.


IHP training course in Asian countries has been held in Japan every year under the support of a Trust Fund for UNESCO from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japanese Government.

Recently, Kyoto University hosts this training course every year.

IHP-TC image IHP-TC image

The topics of the recent events at Kyoto are listed below.

  • 34th (2024): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        34th-Outline (English)     34th-Program

  • 33rd (2023): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        33rd-Outline (English)     33rd-Program

  • 32nd (2022): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        32nd-Outline (English)     32nd-Program

  • 31st (2021): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        31st-Outline (English)

  • 30th (2020): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        30th-Outline (English)     30th-Report (English)   Home page of 30th IHP Training Course

  • 29th (2019): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        29th-Outline (English)     29th-Report (Japanese)

  • 28th (2018): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        28th-Outline (English)     28th-Report (Japanese)

  • 27th (2017): "Integrated Basin Management under Changing Climate"
        27th-Outline (English)     27th-Report (Japanese)

  • 25th (2015): "Risk Management of Water-related Disasters under Changing Climate"
        25th-Outline (English)     25th-Report (Japanese)

  • 23rd (2013): "Ecohydrology for River Basin Management under Climate Change"
        23rd-Outline (English)     23rd-Report(Japanese)

  • 21st (2011): "Introduction to River Basin Environment Assessment under Climate Change"
        21st-Report (Japanese)     21st-Report (English)

  • 19th (2009): "Water Resources and Water-Related Disasters under Climate Change
                              - Prediction, Impact Assessment and Adaptation -"
        19th-Report(Japanese)     19th-Program(Japanese)